Bold New Direction in Furniture Sculpting: A 58 Year Old Artist Opens Online Studio to Public.

 I’m 58 years old and I’ve just decided to open my very own art studio and website… I’m not just any artist – I’m a furniture sculptor, which is a whole new genre of art that I love to work in. Up until now, furniture has always been about functionality and form. Design as a whole never really gave individual pieces a voice of their own allowing them to show actual expression and personality. That’s all about to change! My furniture sculptures will take interior design concepts in a bold new direction, and I can’t wait to see the reaction from the public.

     I’ve always been a creative person. Anyone that knows me knows that my creations have always had that “out of left field” flair to them. Anyone that has seen or been a part of one of my projects whether it has been a friend, family member or perfect stranger has been anywhere from pleasantly surprised to totally amazed at where the final product ended. I’ve never liked following the crowd. If everyone is going left, I’ll happily go right… That mentality has led me on some amazing adventures, and it’s also gotten me into a lot of trouble! I wouldn’t change a thing. I believe that when you follow your heart, you’ll see a side of life that is filled with adventure, wonder, uncertainty, and trials. The experience has been phenomenal, you’ll just have to be open to it.

     When you are in the process of changing the direction and mindset of the norm there are no rules to follow, nothing to gauge your ideas against, and no one to hide behind if things don’t go well… You just have to follow the voice and visions in your head and listen to your heart. I say “listen to your heart” not as a trite saying that might fit well into what’s written, but emphasizing the fact that art in and of itself is about creating or expressing emotion… This is evident in a true artist’s work. In my opinion, you can’t fake the desire to affect someone and the world around you with your creations. IF accolades come and you do change a part of the world or have the financial success that’s a bonus because we all need to provide for our families. What’s really fulfilling is the deep internal satisfaction that you stayed true to your beliefs, heart, and core spirit.


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